The Deacons extend thanks to our “retiring” members, Stephanie Skolnick, Jim Lapham, and Ernie Evans, for their years of service and their many contributions to the committee. They will be missed!

Please be aware that no food or drink, other than water, is allowed in the sanctuary.

Have you noticed that the Acolytes have a slightly different procedure than in past years?  They bring the light of Christ into the sanctuary before our service begins and when it is completed they light their tapers from the altar candles before extinguishing the altar candles and carrying the lit tapers out of the sanctuary. This symbolizes the return of Christ’s light out into the world. Please remain in the pews until the Acolytes have exited.

Many thanks to all who have met with Rev. Naylor and completed their survey.  This will be of great help to him in planning a pathway to revitalization of our church.

Please remember that you can honor or remember someone by the gift of flowers to decorate the altar.  We also have an active card ministry. Just let any Deacon know if you would like to brighten someone’s day with a card.