Stewardship – 02/01/2020

The Stewardship Team would like to extend thanks to everyone for all you do to support First Church. Our church could not exist without your generosity and service. First Church needs your prayers and your participation along with your financial support. Your active church membership brings many rewards: the strengthening of your faith, spiritual joy,

Trustees – 02/01/2020

The Trustees met on January 21, 2020.  Burt Palmer is still reviewing files that he received from our past treasurer.  He has implemented direct deposit for the employees and received a refund from QuickBooks. He will finish inputting information in QuickBooks. Continuing projects the Trustees are working on: Finish the parsonage Get quotes for the

Pastor Fred – 01/01/2020

In a course on marriage counseling,  the professor said that if someone gets divorced, and wonders whether or not they should get married again, statistically speaking a new marriage will more likely work out if they are divorced twice and are currently in a third marriage. I thought a lot about that over the years