Prelude Great is the Lord
Meditation Prayer
Ever-present God, who by the power of the Holy Spirit transforms us individually and as a church to be your dwelling place, confront us here in the midst of our doubts, grant us your peace while we face our fears, and increase our trust that we may embrace life in all its fullness. Speak to us now the word that we need, empowering us to be a unifying presence in our broken world. Amen.
Welcome and Announcements
Introit Only Jesus
Call to Worship (responsively)
L: Life has been revealed to us in this Easter Season.
We gather once more to testify to life.
C: We declare to each other what we have experienced.
In community we find the life God intends.
L: Early believers were of one heart and soul.
We, too, are called to find common ground in Christ.
C: How very good and pleasant it is
When kindred live together in unity.
L: Peace be with you as we celebrate resurrection.
Christ is with us to renew our faith.
C: We are here to testify to God’s grace.
We will share our story and ourselves.
*Prayer of Invocation (in unison) Pastor
You pour out upon us the oil of gladness, gracious God, as we gather in the name of our risen Savior. You have given us the Word of Life; we have heard and seen your greatest of all gifts and testify to that experience by our presence here. Let Jesus Christ be known among us, in our conversation and in our prayers. May our thoughts center on the message that light has come to chase away the shadows, community has been born to remove our isolation, joy has been heaped upon us that we might share it with the world. Amen.
Gospel Mark 12:28-34
Letter from James James 5:7-12
Sermon After the Easter Chocolate is Gone Rev. Fred Meade
Interlude Thoughts of Spring
Offertory Invitation
Offertory Let Peace Descend
*Prayer of Dedication (in unison)
We offer to you our common stewardship, loving God. We want to be faithful in meeting one another’s needs and in serving the world in Christ’s name. The gifts we bring today will not mark an end to our giving. We sense that you are sending us, as Jesus was sent, to share light with the world. Thus, we dedicate our time and effort as a further offering. May life and faith be extended to many through us. Amen.
A Time of Silent Prayer
Prayers of the People, Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
(“O Lord Hear Our Prayers” and “trespasses”)
Response Supplication
Postlude Festival Postlude