Sermon – “Endurance and the Trails of Faith”

by Rev. Fred Meade

Meditation Prayer

Creator of friendships, whose love lifts us from mindless servitude to caring community, we thank you for the guidance of your commandments and the promise of joy in Jesus Christ. We seek to love as we have been loved, to risk life itself for the sake of our sisters and brothers, and to bear fruit that will last. Grant us the strength and courage we need. Amen.

Prelude       The Love of God

Welcome and Announcements                                                                     

Call to Contemplation     Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God                                                                       

Call to Worship  (responsively)                                       

L: Come all who are born of God; Abide in the love revealed in Jesus Christ.

C: We come in response to the one who calls us friends. We are here in obedience to Christ’s command.

L:  Remember God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. Let hands and voices echo God’s praise.

C:  Let our lips pour out a joyful noise. Let our hands reflect a serving Savior.

L: Sing a new song to God who does marvelous things. Obey God’s commandments which are not burdensome.

C: We clap our hands and sing for joy. We live by faith that conquers the world.

Prayer of Invocation (in unison)                                             

Come, Holy Spirit, to lift us from empty routines to the surprising joy of your love. Loosen our tongues to praise you with sincere delight. Open our hearts to trust your leading through times of difficulty and days of despair. Calm our doubts and guide us through the mires of fear. You have called us together for mutual support in a time of worship that unites our spirits. We remember that we have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Teach us to follow where Christ leads. Amen.

Gospel                            Matthew 4:1-11 

Sermon                “Endurance and the Trails of Faith”

Rev. Fred Meade

Musical Response          O God, Our Help in Ages Past

Offertory Invitation

*Prayer of Dedication (in unison)

Generous and loving God, we dedicate to your service the work of our hands, the earnings of our time and efforts, and our vision for the future. May faith sustain us as we offer our best to you in praise and thanksgiving and joyous dedication. We seek to work for the reign of your truth and extension of the friendship granted to us in Jesus Christ. Let our offering bear fruit in the lives of all who are helped by it. Amen.

A Time of Silent Prayer

Pastoral and The Lord’s Prayer

Prayer Response  Bless God

