Good Morning, I hope you all had a wonderful safe Easter. We are trying something new this year instead of waiting till the annual meeting I will be giving a snap shot of where we stand after each quarter and if you have any questions I would appreciate an email or a phone call so I can answer them now rather than at the annual meeting. With that being said, our pledges are down by 6% which is due to the fact we are not in church and some people are not sure on how to get the pledges or offering to us. We did find out that if you mail it to the church it must be sent to the P. O. Box 576 and not to the physical address of the church 105 Center St, the post office will return it to you. We just had that happen on two contributions and we only know that because one of the contributors sent it in with the original envelope. I called the PO and they said unless we put a mailbox on the church it must be sent to the P.O. Box 576, Pembroke, Ma 02359. So please send it there till we find a nice mailbox. As for funds at the end of March all bills and payroll were paid, and our the balance was $2,798.02. The total monthly average expense is $11,780.49 and we have been averaging $8,827.67 of income, which is a deficit of $2,952.82 per month. I have contacted all of the utility companies and we are now on budget plans that will help with cash flow and working other vendors to give us a better price on purchases. On a positive note 5 people have contributed above their pledges in April which resulted in $900.00 and the church thanks you and sends blessings.
You can email me ([email protected]) or phone 781-771-6164 with any questions.
Although the church building is not open, the office is still responding to phone calls at 781 293-2584