At the May 9, 2021 meeting, some of the congregation had questions regarding the hiring process of FCIP pastor.  We would like to walk the congregation through the hiring process of a pastor with First Church.  All candidates who want to be considered for the part-time pastor position, including living in the parsonage, fill out the pastor application form that the NACCC requires.    The NACCC will receive the profile from the candidate directly; they will forward it to FCIP if there are no problems with the candidate’s background.  Once the search team receives the profile as a team, we decide whether we want to go forward with the candidate.    If yes, we interview the candidate at least two times via Zoom, and the third time would be in person.  Once we deliberate and agree to present the candidate, the following will occur. More background checks, Cori check, and Reference checks – all of which are done before submitting any candidate to the congregation.  We hope we have answered everyone’s questions on the hiring process.   Please remember if you have any questions or concerns about the current process, you can contact Francine at  [email protected] or reach out to anyone on the Search Team.  Thank you and be safe now.   Blessings,   Francine Palmer Donna Pulselli Jay Hodge Jim Lapham

UPDATE: The Search Team has conducted a second interview with a promising candidate.  The plan is to meet with the candidate in person for a third interview since they live in the New England area.  The candidate will tour the church and the parsonage.