Search Team Update – 07/04/21
The Search Team has focused their attentions on two Candidates. Both are still being scrutinized. Both are qualified and each would bring similar experiences to the position of Called Minister for First Church In Pembroke. Each are male with years of experience, one is a decade younger than the other and both have grown children. One grew up in Massachusetts.
The task now before the search committee is that of discernment. Which individual would be the best fit for the church and the current and future members of the congregation? We intend to work this question until it becomes clear which of the two Candidates will be presented to the membership for a vote. As we approach ‘new beginnings’ at our church, have a happy and safe Independence Day celebration today as our nation celebrates the ‘new beginnings’ declared this day in 1776.
Are you still in the Pastoral Search process?
As of today we have no Called Pastor. For more information please contact Francien at the following address [email protected]