The First Church in Pembroke Missions Committee will have a donation table set up in Fellowship Hall after service on Sunday, August 20th, for the families that have been impacted by the wildfires in Maui. First Church would like to show its support. Please consider donating to the Maui Wildfires Relief Fund. Our hearts go out to the people in Maui, where wildfires have caused overwhelming destruction. The death toll, already at 96, is expected to rise. While there is no National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) on the island, the Mission and Outreach Ministry Council is working to identify partners responding to the disaster. Toward that end, contributions to the NACCC should include the notation OGHS-Hawaii. First Church is grateful for your generosity and concern.


First Church in Pembroke

105 Center Street

Pembroke, MA 02359


[email protected]