California Wildfires Relief Fund – January 2025
One Great Hour of Sharing needs your help.
One Great Hour of Sharing needs your help.
It takes a village these days, and we have an amazing village.
Join our Clothing Drive!
Missions will be setting up their Military Basket, located in Fellowship Hall.
Missions Committee will have a donation table set up in Fellowship Hall after service on Sunday, August 20th
You can stop by the Church office and drop off your donations.
Mother’s Day & Blanket Sunday, May 07th &14th
Our hearts go out to the people of Kentucky as flooding devastates their communities. You can Help!
Donations are being accepted: Click for more information.
A gift has been given in your honor to support Church World Service Tools. Thank you for being a partner in the heavy lifting.
Our well wishes, blessings and thanks go out to all veterans on this Memorial Day
First Church in Pembroke is proud to be a sponsoring CWS Blanket congregation
Leggings, Sweatpants, Stretchies And Some Toys Were Delivered To The Recreational Department For Needy Children In Pembroke. Freda Burke, Chair of the First Church in Pembroke Missions Committee, sends the following message: This is the missions committee delivering the stretch, sweat pants and leggings plus some toys to the recreation department in Pembroke for the
Freda Burke, representing the Missions Committee at First Church, has delivered a gift basket to the Pembroke Military Support Group which “is made up of families and friends of our military members.” They “have no political, religious, or military affiliations.” There “sole purpose is to show support to our military personnel and their families who are
The missions committee received thanks for the donations of blankets and masks and health kits from Church World Services. First Church is thankful for the hard work and dedication its members have shown through the activities of its missions outreach program.
My mom used to always tell me “The greatest gift you can give a child is the gift of faith”. I can’t wait to pass on the same to my own children.
Hope you are all safe and healthy with our “new way of life.” Wanted to let members know that the Creative Crafters have been busy making masks for essential workers in our town. Your church wants to extend to its members, masks, to keep you safe and healthy. Below is an announcement made on April 27th by
Tom’s of Maine & US Felt Co. This is an update on our favors for St. Patrick’s Day, our collection of Hygiene Kits for Church World Services, and Our Military Baskets. Because of the cancellation of our wonderful Saint Patrick’s Day dinner our favors did not get to be given out, so it was decided
An Easter hope for your congregation A message forwarded from Freda Dear Friends, This is a Holy Week unlike any for me…and maybe for you, too. We’re hunkered down in an unexpected quiet. We’re hoping and living and grieving all at the same time. We’re holding onto faith in our homes. We’re afraid, and we
Pink Hearts placed in the windows of First Church to recognize the loving care of our Health Care Workers & First Responders.
“I will look with favor on the faithful in the land…..” Our March 8th and 15th meetings were cancelled. Unfortunately, our church, the functions and meetings held there have been cancelled because of this terrible virus that is going around. We do hope that Missions can continue helping the people of our community and the surrounding
“Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth” Isaiah 45:22 A roll of blanket (rescue and survival) material was donated by the U.S. Felt Co. Inc. With the help of the ladies from our Thursday night crafting, we were able to cut the roll into 4X5 blankets. The blankets were
As we begin the year 2020 and move forward with God’s guidance, Missions for the month of February plans to set up the program “One Great Hour of Sharing”. This program gives us the opportunity to help people in crisis. Our donations will help provide clean water, medicine, shelter, health care and educations to those
After our Sunday Service, The Missions Committee invites you to join them in Fellowship Hall for Christmas Cake, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Eggnog, Crackers & Cheese AND maybe some Christmas Music!!!
On November 11th, Veteran’s Day, the Pembroke Military Support Group received the $100 donation from the congregation of First Church. On Tuesday they were given the items collected from our Military Basket to send to our Military personnel as part of a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday from all of us at First Church. Of