An Easter hope for your congregation

A message forwarded from Freda

Dear Friends,

This is a Holy Week unlike any for me…and maybe for you, too. We’re hunkered down in an unexpected quiet. We’re hoping and living and grieving all at the same time. We’re holding onto faith in our homes. We’re afraid, and we are so ready for a light at the end of this dark tunnel.

But in the words of Rev. Allison Lanza (Associate Pastor at Ridglea Christian Church, Fort Worth), “The very first Easter was not in a crowded worship space with singing and praising. On the very first Easter, the disciples were locked in their house…Alone in their homes, they dared to believe that hope was possible, that the long night was over and morning had broken.”

This daring belief unites us over time and distance today. May your congregation experience it as we commune together as one from our homes and shelters. Please share the full video of Rev. Lanza’s sacred words with your congregation in our hope that “after a while, when it is safe for all people, when it is the most loving choice, we will come out, gathering together, singing and shouting the good news that God brings life even out of death, that love always has the final say.”  Amen and may it be so.

In communion with you,

Matthew Stevens
Director of Congregational Giving, CWS