Stewardship – 02/01/2020

The Stewardship Team would like to extend thanks to everyone for all you do to support First Church. Our church could not exist without your generosity and service. First Church needs your prayers and your participation along with your financial support. Your active church membership brings many rewards: the strengthening of your faith, spiritual joy,

Search – 12/01/2019

As you all are aware of Stewardship Sunday was November 24th a letter was sent asking the congregation to consider pledging a little more than they did last year and letting them know that in the last 6 weeks, pledges have decreased by $14,00.00. This equals a 17% drop in pledges. First Church in Pembroke

Stewardship – 12/01/2019

Our fall Stewardship campaign has just ended.  As of this writing, we do not have the figures to report but will do so next month. Although the formal pledging time is past please remember that it is never a bad time to be a Steward of First Church.  Your contributions of “Time, Talent, and Treasure”

Missions – 12/01/2019

On November 11th, Veteran’s Day, the Pembroke Military Support Group received the $100 donation from the congregation of First Church.  On Tuesday they were given the items collected from our Military Basket to send to our Military personnel as part of a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday from all of us at First Church.  Of

Search – August 2018

Search team met on August 12th to prepare for the next steps in the search process the following took place. Transition Team reactivated our profile, on August 1st the package is for a settled full-time pastor that will have to live in the parsonage. At our August meeting we also voted unanimously to have Francine