We come together seeking renewal of the vows made at our baptism.
We come together seeking renewal of the vows made at our baptism.
May your glory be proclaimed in all we give and all we do when we are together and when we scatter to do your will in other places
Sermon – “Endurance and the Trails of Faith” by Rev. Fred Meade Meditation Prayer Creator of friendships, whose love lifts us from mindless servitude to caring community, we thank you for the guidance of your commandments and the promise of joy in Jesus Christ. We seek to love as we have been loved, to risk
“Nothing in life will ever prevent me from loving you”
May our thoughts center on the message that light has come to chase away the shadows
At The Stream by Pastor Fred Meade
A Look at Humor during this Pandemic or From Heaven to Mirth by Pastor Fred Meade
Pentecost by Pastor Fred Meade
The Forbidden Fruit: A Spiritual Look at Free Will by Pastor Fred Meade
Got Stress? by Pastor Fred Meade
by Pastor Fred Meade
by Pastor Fred Meade Order of Worship May 3rd, 2020 Meditation Prayer Spirit of truth, you open to us the Word of life and help us to see the possibilities of each day. Guide us now that we may hear your truth and embody it. As we face suffering, help us to endure, to hope,
Sunday Service – 04/26/20 Confirmation Paper Presentation by Catherine Ventura
“Ever Been a Doubting Thomas?” by Pastor Fred Meade
Easter Sunday Service
Order of the service & Readings:
“Palm Sunday” by Pastor Fred Meade Sermon Summary This is a challenging time for all of us. It is important to take time to care for ourselves, remembering that we can only make one decision at a time. Do not look for meaning in this event but rather look for the purpose in our everyday
“Envy & Pride” by Rev. Meade Sermon Summary: Today’s sermon focuses on the sins of Envy and Pride False pride stymies our spiritual growth as it leads us to focus on ourselves and gets in the way of our relationship with God. False pride can make us “stiff-kneed” and unable to humble ourselves to pray.
“Sloth” by Rev. Meade Sermon Summary: In today’s sermon Pastor Fred continues his series on the Seven Deadly Sins with the topic of Sloth. This is a time of social distance and isolation and a time when we need to listen to the voice of God in our lives in order to make lemonade from
“DEALING WITH FEAR” by Rev. Meade Sermon Summary: Today’s sermon (which was live streamed for the first time) was appropriate for the time in which we live. It was on the subject of stress and anxiety. Mark 4:35-40 tells the story of Jesus traveling with his disciples across a lake. As he sleeps a great
Today's sermon continues with the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins and is about the sin of greed. The title is "Coveting and Greed."
Pastor Fred is continuing with his series of sermons on the Seven Deadly Sins. Today he spoke about "Lust."
“GLUTTONY” by Rev. Fred Meade
“The Complexity of Spiritually Dealing with Anger” by Pastor Fred Meade Sermon Summary: All of us have felt anger. This emotion is a very normal one, however at times it can turn destructive and can become unhealthy. The way in which we deal with our anger is based in large part on the way we
“Lot’s Wife and Baptism” by Pastor Fred Meade
“Wrestling with God and Others” by Rev. Fred Meade
“On Prayer” by Rev. Fred Meade
“Epiphany: Blessing or Curse?” by Rev. Fred Meade
In a course on marriage counseling, the professor said that if someone gets divorced, and wonders whether or not they should get married again, statistically speaking a new marriage will more likely work out if they are divorced twice and are currently in a third marriage. I thought a lot about that over the years