Happy Birthday Charlie! – 02/02/2025
Many Happy Returns Of The Day!
Many Happy Returns Of The Day!
Thank You!
30 The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God.
Bob Ougoorlian, Deacon Chair, has planned not just a meal but a time to come together and share in the season’s joy.
November 01, 2024, at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth at the age of 86
We stand with them in condemning this act of vandalism and hate.
Fathers and their supporters are celebrated!
It takes a village these days, and we have an amazing village.
Thank You!
Watch the Fran-Bee!
Proud to be a Scout!
Very Happy People
Rev. Miriam Theodore Ordination Pictures - Sunday afternoon November 12, 2023
congratulations on a blessed baptism! Click for pictures. ...
Thank you for accepting!
All smiles as Parsonage is viewed for the first time by the recently Called Minister Theodore.
Five new members celebrated today!
First Church Pembroke present at fellow NACCC member church PASTOR Installation.
...So we never forget.
Thank you for a very important part of our Service!
Thank you Mom!
Our once yearly big congregational meeting. Everyone participates!
A great time was had by an estimated 700-800 people!
New Roof In One Day! Kudos to the Palmer’s for expediting the work flow.
As the years pass and the changes occur, the one thing you can always count on CNK is still BEING here.
During Church Service today the congregation decorated the Sanctuary
Thank you all who supported our Red Cross Blood Drive and Bake Sale
We extend many thanks as well as great appreciation for the two generous donors who allowed the much needed repaving of the first church parking lots. Enjoy the new flat ‘trip free’ & ‘easy walking’ pavement!
Pictures from Saturday’s outdoor meeting.
Watch This Page To follow The Much Anticipated Painting Of Our Church Sanctuary. Newest Pictures Appear First 08/08/20 – Scaffolding 08/07/20 – Floor Taping: 08/04/20 – Past paints applied. KEEP RETURNING, MORE TO FOLLOW…….
Join Old friends Or Meet New People. Join Us At First Church Saturday Morning August 8th At 10:00 AM. Bring your own chair. Refreshments will be served. We will have some refreshments if you forget to bring your own!
Members of the congregation share their 4th of July firework pictures
First church in Pembroke Celebrates outside on a beautiful Saturday morning with coffee and fellowship
First Church In Pembroke reaches out to youth
Red Cross Blood Drive Saturday May 16th, First Church In Pembroke, MA hosted the American Red Cross in the shared effort to save lives through facilitating donations From volunteers in the community. First Church gratefully acknowledges and thanks all who participated in this important effort, especially organizer Karan Little. Each donation helps to save up
View the inside of First Church In Pembroke on a sunny day in late April. Newsletter Production & Distribution
Hope you are all safe and healthy with our “new way of life.” Wanted to let members know that the Creative Crafters have been busy making masks for essential workers in our town. Your church wants to extend to its members, masks, to keep you safe and healthy. Below is an announcement made on April 27th by
answers any question about asbestos