A Mail Campaign Has Started To Update Current Information And Verify The Accuracy Of Past Historic Information Regarding Individuals Associated With First Church In Pembroke. Below are some pictures of the work preparation that took place on August 8th in Fellowship Hall. The Church survey was mailed on August 10th. with a cover letter (also
The pandemic has offered us a time to reflect upon what’s important in life. The isolation time has given us a chance to understand how much we need each other and what are the caring attitudes that we need to nurture. It has reminded us of how much our disagreements are small compared to what...
We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during this time of isolation. Even though the church is currently closed, its work persists. Rev. Meade continues to lead us in worship, and along with Mary Beth’s music ministry, online services have allowed us to continue with our faith life. The video expertise of Debi Dona, her many hours of hard
From our Music Director: When Pastor Fred mentioned he would be preaching on the doubts of Thomas, I immediately thought of this anthem sung in 2018 by our Chancel Choir, and sung in today’s service by Karin Foley and Dan Moore. On his website GettyMusic.com, Keith Getty writes of the inspiration behind the words
Hello First Church Family, Friends & Visitors. Don’t miss our Sunday productions! ‘First Church In Pembroke offers the best local online Church service on the South Shore’ (and maybe beyond!). If you missed any of our Sunday productions you can still experience it on the Church’s Worship page. ‘Tune-in’ to the event each Sunday Morning at
From our Music Director: Easter – a time of joy and celebration. It’s different this year, but the good news of Christ resurrection is unchanged. During our Easter service, we sang a song unusual for the Easter season. I provided a brief history of the hymn and the reason I chose it for our service
Greetings and Best Wishes from the Diaconate This is a strange time for our church as we have been unable to worship together in person. Reverend Fred and Mary Beth have been presenting an abbreviated service online each Sunday at our regular time of 10 am. You can watch live from our website: firstchurchinpembroke.org or
From our Music Director: There is so much music available on the internet now through the generosity of musicians looking to enrich people’s lives. People are also experimenting now, and we get zoomed and edited versions of music sung by high school choirs, adult groups, kids and soloists. It is fun and inspiring and addictive
A message from our Music Director: Sometimes a song is all we need to make it through the day or through a night of doubt. This piece by Pepper Choplin reassures us that “We Are Not Alone.” Click here (skip the ad’s) In “You Are Mine”, Lloyd Kaufman reminds us of God’s promise, “Do not
Take steps to protect yourself · Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. · If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of
Greetings from the Diaconate! It’s March – although spring doesn’t officially begin this month, it is the month in which we welcome meteorological spring. Spring is a time for new beginnings and with that in mind we ask you to join with us on March 21 as all members and friends of our church join
The Deacons extend thanks to our “retiring” members, Stephanie Skolnick, Jim Lapham, and Ernie Evans, for their years of service and their many contributions to the committee. They will be missed! Please be aware that no food or drink, other than water, is allowed in the sanctuary. Have you noticed that the Acolytes have a
Greetings from the Deacons! We are happy to report that Rev. Fred Meade will be leading us in worship throughout the Advent and Christmas season. We pray that this time will help us all to become even more aware of and grateful for the “Reason for the Season” and that it is a holy time