Flowers – Anna A. Campo
Happy Birthday. Love, The Campo-Palmer Family
IX-C. Flowers
Happy Birthday. Love, The Campo-Palmer Family
In Memory of Scott Healey’s Birthday on December 2nd.
Our loved ones, who are always on our minds and forever in our hearts!
Always on our minds and forever in our hearts.
Happy Birthday Clarke Family
Love, Judy, JoEllen, Rob, Nicholas, Katarina, and many family and friends.
Beloved daughter, Elizabeth. Beth’s birthday is on September 20th. Her parents and many family members and friends miss her very much.
Today s flowers on the altar Are in memory of Lorraine D. Means We achieve immortality in the minds and hearts of those who know us and who love us. I know and love you forever in my heart! Roger
Today s Altar Flowers are placed in the loving memory of Barbara A. Martin The Steeple at First Church in Pembroke will be lit in loving memory of Barbara A. Martin September 01- 07, 2024 Remembering you today and always with love and gratitude, you are forever missed, Mom. Sending you all our
Happiest of Birthdays, Margi (aka Mrs. Neil)! Just as you were a light in our hearts and our community, we light the steeple at First Church in Pembroke in your honor from July 27 August 03, 2024 Flowers will be placed for Margi’s Birthday Sunday, July 28, 2024 Margi Neil was a
"Happy anniversary"
...in Loving memory of my father...
memory of my mother, Hazel Connors
By Alan & Linda Peterson
$15.00 ea. curtesy of the Candy Jar. Call Office @ 781-293-2584, or pew envelope.
The way we achieve immortality is ...
Heaven-sent Birthday wishes. You remain in our hearts forever.
The First Church in Pembroke Poinsettias Are placed on the altar in Memory of Loved Ones.
Heaven-sent Birthday wishes. You remain in our hearts forever.
We remember Lee Little
Congratulations, Jay & Jane!
Elizabeth touched all of us with her infectious smile.
Beth’s kindness touched us all
June 18, 2023 by Gail Horsefield
Loving memory of Elizabeth Anne Roberts
By Gail Horsefield for her mother Hazel Connors
By Alan & Linda Peterson
The Brzek Family
In Loving Memory of Bob Graham From his Family . . . Judy, Rob, JoEllen, Nicholas & Katarina
Congratulations to: Harriet and Bob Clarke. Flowers on the altar are in celebration of 62 years of marriage.
Hazel & Jim Connors, Parents of Gail Horsefield
In Memory of Anna Campo & Philomena Palmer
In memory of our parents Nan and Shirley A. Peterson By Alan & Linda Peterson
Recommended minimum donation of $15 for each flower pot.
The Flowers on the altar on February 27, 2022, were dedicated by The Lapham Family in memory of loved ones.
As our worship together continues online we would like to offer everyone the opportunity to make a flower offering just as we can at church. In this case, the flowers will not be physical, but will consist of a photo of a beautiful bouquet. The picture can be chosen from #’s 1-9 below or can