Pembroke Historical Society 250th Anniversary of the Pembroke Resolves
January 8th, 2023 – 12 pm

First Church in Pembroke — Fellowship Hall

December 28th, 2018, was declared Pembroke Resolves day. This event will include a presentation on the events that led up to the Pembroke Resolves in 1772 and the life and times of the five Pembrooke Resolves signers before and after this a reenactment of the Pembroke Resolves will be played out.

This will be followed by a reading of the ten Resolves by the Pembroke Select Board and Pembroke volunteers in First Church in Pembroke’s Sanctuary, with a quick tour of the Center Cemetery where two of the Resolves signers are buried, and an Open House at the Pembroke Historical Society, where snacks and refreshments will be provided. All guests can bring their historical questions on Pembroke and receive a tour of the museum.