First Church Sewing Circle Thrift Shop Will be Opening March 5, 2021 Friday and Saturday only from 11-3110 Center Street Pembroke, MA 02359 1-781-294-7625 EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP IS 50%! We have decluttered, cleaned, sanitized and put into place all CDC recommendations for a safe opening.  Masks and hand sanitizing are mandatory.  CASH SALES ONLY

March – Newsletter – 03/01/2021

Pastor’s Page Greetings to all!  Another month has passed and we are now into the Season of Lent!  We pray you have been tuning in to the virtual services – starting with the Ash Wednesday evening Tenebrae and now with each Sunday morning at 10a.m.  We are blessed to have a wonderful mix of Scripture


Letting Down Your COVID Guard could Let Down Your Health! Selective updates from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Massachusetts Travel Order: Quarantining, testing and tracing. All individuals arriving in Massachusetts, including Massachusetts residents who have left the state for anything more than transitory travel, are covered by the Massachusetts Travel Order.You may obtain a


Leggings, Sweatpants, Stretchies And Some Toys Were Delivered To The Recreational Department For Needy Children In Pembroke. Freda Burke, Chair of the First Church in Pembroke Missions Committee, sends the following message: This is the missions committee delivering the stretch, sweat pants and leggings plus some toys to the recreation department in Pembroke for the


Members Overwhelmingly Pass Changes At Thursday’s Official All Church Meeting On July 30th, 2020 as the sun was setting in a colorful display that would delight any sailor, the Membership voted to turn away from past affiliations and move forward as a local Congregational Church in association with the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches

First Church Hosted Successful Blood Drive – 05/16/20

Red Cross Blood Drive Saturday May 16th, First Church In Pembroke, MA hosted the American Red Cross in the shared effort to save lives through facilitating donations From volunteers in the community.  First Church gratefully acknowledges and thanks all who participated in this important effort, especially organizer Karan Little.  Each donation helps to save up

Greetings from the FCP Creative Crafters

Hope you are all safe and healthy with our “new way of life.” Wanted to let members know that the Creative Crafters have been busy making masks for essential workers in our town. Your church wants to extend to its members, masks, to keep you safe and healthy. Below is an announcement made on April 27th by

Pastor’s Letter – May 2020

I  remember  growing  up  I  had  a  strong dislike  for  May.  May  was  the time  of the  year when we were forced in school to be a part of a May Pole Dance. From my perspective as a young child it was the dumbest thing we ever did in school. Ever… Historically some have written

May 2020

Pastor’s Letter I  remember  growing  up  I  had  a  strong dislike  for  May.  May  was  the time  of the  year when we were forced in school to be a part of a May Pole Dance. From my perspective as a young child it was the dumbest thing we ever did in school. Ever… Historically some

Palms Available – Holy Week

Our online Palm Sunday Service production is over but you can still view at the Church website or clicking here. Additionally,  Palms are available! A small group of masked & gloved congregants met briefly at the parking lot in front of First Church this late afternoon to pack Palms in zip-lock bags. The bundle of palms arrived  two

Pastor’s Corner – April 2020

One thing I know about fear is that it interferes with our relationship to God. By the time you get this newsletter, Easter will be less than two weeks away.  Because of what’s going on in the world today, you will have some unique choices as to where to worship. You can choose between the kitchen,

Devotional – 03/29/20

Look Up and Listen Closely – Walking Toward the Sunrise A Devotional Word from Our Renewal Consultant Rev. Robert Naylor (The physical distancing realities have caused me to be unable to complete a key element in our shared renewal process, The Teaming and Dreaming event.  However I will soon be sending along to you the

A note from your Pastor on Coronavirus

Some Important Thoughts A Helpful Blog from our Conference Minister: Dear Friends and Members of First Church, The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been a daily headline this winter. And the Center for Disease Control is increasing their concern level. We’ve seen the impact on everything from travel to the stock market. And we wonder about what

Pastor’s Corner – March 2020

Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday is the official start of the season of Lent, six and a half weeks in total, consisting of 40 weekdays as an act of repentance prior to Easter or Resurrection Sunday. The institution of the day, or the season, is not in your Bible. It was set up by the early

A Note from your Pastor on Fellowship

Some Important Thoughts by Rev. Fred Meade Dear Friends and Members of First Church, I’ve been thinking a lot over the last five months about this church. I’ve grown to love the people and even enjoyed the drive back and forth. It has been a blessing that we really have not had a difficult winter. But within the

Diaconate – 02/01/2020

The Deacons extend thanks to our “retiring” members, Stephanie Skolnick, Jim Lapham, and Ernie Evans, for their years of service and their many contributions to the committee. They will be missed! Please be aware that no food or drink, other than water, is allowed in the sanctuary. Have you noticed that the Acolytes have a