Cover Letter from Membership Mailing
Cover Letter from Membership Mailing
Read some of the guidelines and policies that are being instituted for your protection.
A Look at Humor during this Pandemic or From Heaven to Mirth by Pastor Fred Meade
Unburden Ourselves Vs. Traumatizing Others
Pentecost by Pastor Fred Meade
The Forbidden Fruit: A Spiritual Look at Free Will by Pastor Fred Meade
Got Stress? by Pastor Fred Meade
Red Cross Blood Drive Saturday May 16th, First Church In Pembroke, MA hosted the American Red Cross in the shared effort to save lives through facilitating donations From volunteers in the community. First Church gratefully acknowledges and thanks all who participated in this important effort, especially organizer Karan Little. Each donation helps to save up
by Pastor Fred Meade
As our worship together continues online we would like to offer everyone the opportunity to make a flower offering just as we can at church. In this case, the flowers will not be physical, but will consist of a photo of a beautiful bouquet. The picture can be chosen from #’s 1-9 below or can
by Pastor Fred Meade Order of Worship May 3rd, 2020 Meditation Prayer Spirit of truth, you open to us the Word of life and help us to see the possibilities of each day. Guide us now that we may hear your truth and embody it. As we face suffering, help us to endure, to hope,
View the inside of First Church In Pembroke on a sunny day in late April. Newsletter Production & Distribution
Good Morning, I hope you all had a wonderful safe Easter. We are trying something new this year instead of waiting till the annual meeting I will be giving a snap shot of where we stand after each quarter and if you have any questions I would appreciate an email or a phone call so
Hope you are all safe and healthy with our “new way of life.” Wanted to let members know that the Creative Crafters have been busy making masks for essential workers in our town. Your church wants to extend to its members, masks, to keep you safe and healthy. Below is an announcement made on April 27th by
These are crazy times that we are living! It seems like this COVID separation has been going on forever.
Tom’s of Maine & US Felt Co. This is an update on our favors for St. Patrick’s Day, our collection of Hygiene Kits for Church World Services, and Our Military Baskets. Because of the cancellation of our wonderful Saint Patrick’s Day dinner our favors did not get to be given out, so it was decided
This is a difficult time for all of us and for our beloved church. It may seem that since our building is unable to be open that our expenses no longer exist. The costs of our church still continue, however. Our staff is still hard at work each week and so all the costs of
We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during this time of isolation. Even though the church is currently closed, its work persists. Rev. Meade continues to lead us in worship, and along with Mary Beth’s music ministry, online services have allowed us to continue with our faith life. The video expertise of Debi Dona, her many hours of hard
I remember growing up I had a strong dislike for May. May was the time of the year when we were forced in school to be a part of a May Pole Dance. From my perspective as a young child it was the dumbest thing we ever did in school. Ever… Historically some have written
Pastor’s Letter I remember growing up I had a strong dislike for May. May was the time of the year when we were forced in school to be a part of a May Pole Dance. From my perspective as a young child it was the dumbest thing we ever did in school. Ever… Historically some
Sunday Service – 04/26/20 Confirmation Paper Presentation by Catherine Ventura
“Ever Been a Doubting Thomas?” by Pastor Fred Meade
From our Music Director: When Pastor Fred mentioned he would be preaching on the doubts of Thomas, I immediately thought of this anthem sung in 2018 by our Chancel Choir, and sung in today’s service by Karin Foley and Dan Moore. On his website GettyMusic.com, Keith Getty writes of the inspiration behind the words
Hello First Church Family, Friends & Visitors. Don’t miss our Sunday productions! ‘First Church In Pembroke offers the best local online Church service on the South Shore’ (and maybe beyond!). If you missed any of our Sunday productions you can still experience it on the Church’s Worship page. ‘Tune-in’ to the event each Sunday Morning at
From our Music Director: Easter – a time of joy and celebration. It’s different this year, but the good news of Christ resurrection is unchanged. During our Easter service, we sang a song unusual for the Easter season. I provided a brief history of the hymn and the reason I chose it for our service
Easter Sunday Service
Order of the service & Readings:
An Easter hope for your congregation A message forwarded from Freda Dear Friends, This is a Holy Week unlike any for me…and maybe for you, too. We’re hunkered down in an unexpected quiet. We’re hoping and living and grieving all at the same time. We’re holding onto faith in our homes. We’re afraid, and we
Our online Palm Sunday Service production is over but you can still view at the Church website firstchurchinpembroke.org or clicking here. Additionally, Palms are available! A small group of masked & gloved congregants met briefly at the parking lot in front of First Church this late afternoon to pack Palms in zip-lock bags. The bundle of palms arrived two
“Palm Sunday” by Pastor Fred Meade Sermon Summary This is a challenging time for all of us. It is important to take time to care for ourselves, remembering that we can only make one decision at a time. Do not look for meaning in this event but rather look for the purpose in our everyday
Pink Hearts placed in the windows of First Church to recognize the loving care of our Health Care Workers & First Responders.
Support Our Church This is a strange time for our country and the world. While all of us travel through this time of uncertainty please keep First Church in your prayers and in your thoughts. Right now, and when the Coronavirus becomes a memory, First Church needs your support. First Church will always need our
“I will look with favor on the faithful in the land…..” Our March 8th and 15th meetings were cancelled. Unfortunately, our church, the functions and meetings held there have been cancelled because of this terrible virus that is going around. We do hope that Missions can continue helping the people of our community and the surrounding
Greetings and Best Wishes from the Diaconate This is a strange time for our church as we have been unable to worship together in person. Reverend Fred and Mary Beth have been presenting an abbreviated service online each Sunday at our regular time of 10 am. You can watch live from our website: firstchurchinpembroke.org or
One thing I know about fear is that it interferes with our relationship to God. By the time you get this newsletter, Easter will be less than two weeks away. Because of what’s going on in the world today, you will have some unique choices as to where to worship. You can choose between the kitchen,
Look Up and Listen Closely – Walking Toward the Sunrise A Devotional Word from Our Renewal Consultant Rev. Robert Naylor (The physical distancing realities have caused me to be unable to complete a key element in our shared renewal process, The Teaming and Dreaming event. However I will soon be sending along to you the
From our Music Director: There is so much music available on the internet now through the generosity of musicians looking to enrich people’s lives. People are also experimenting now, and we get zoomed and edited versions of music sung by high school choirs, adult groups, kids and soloists. It is fun and inspiring and addictive
“Envy & Pride” by Rev. Meade Sermon Summary: Today’s sermon focuses on the sins of Envy and Pride False pride stymies our spiritual growth as it leads us to focus on ourselves and gets in the way of our relationship with God. False pride can make us “stiff-kneed” and unable to humble ourselves to pray.
“Sloth” by Rev. Meade Sermon Summary: In today’s sermon Pastor Fred continues his series on the Seven Deadly Sins with the topic of Sloth. This is a time of social distance and isolation and a time when we need to listen to the voice of God in our lives in order to make lemonade from
A message from our Music Director: Sometimes a song is all we need to make it through the day or through a night of doubt. This piece by Pepper Choplin reassures us that “We Are Not Alone.” Click here (skip the ad’s) In “You Are Mine”, Lloyd Kaufman reminds us of God’s promise, “Do not
“DEALING WITH FEAR” by Rev. Meade Sermon Summary: Today’s sermon (which was live streamed for the first time) was appropriate for the time in which we live. It was on the subject of stress and anxiety. Mark 4:35-40 tells the story of Jesus traveling with his disciples across a lake. As he sleeps a great
An Irish Blessing May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks. May your heart be as light as a song. May each day bring you bright happy hours That stay with you all year long.
Take steps to protect yourself · Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. · If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of
Today's sermon continues with the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins and is about the sin of greed. The title is "Coveting and Greed."